AzonaL's largest mission is to publish gorgeous translations, original and creative in their own right. And not only that, but to champion under-served translators, poets, communities, and languages.

Please refrain from sending translations of work that has already been spread significantly to English readers (e.g., Neruda) unless there is significant innovation happening.

Submissions are welcomed over email to year-round. Send about 4 poems you have translated into English in a single file with the corresponding poems in their source language following each translation (.doc/.docx preferred).

The body of your email should contain a short cover letter and your bio, the bios of other translators (if applicable), and the translated poet's bio (each about 200 words). Please send an assurance that you have been given the appropriate rights to translate and publish the translations in a magazine.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted, and as soon as you know your work has been accepted elsewhere, email to withdraw it. More than one submission between issues will not be considered.

There is no payment for contributors; the transportability of the free, online format of the magazine is meant to serve translators, poets, and readers.